Migrate from owncloud- Could not read data directory from config.php

Hi guys,

I just wanted to migrate my owncloud to nextcloud by using this manual from nextcloud-site.

After downloading and moving the file to the updater dirctory and open this Link /owncloud/updater/index.php I got this issue:

Could not read data directory from config.php.

Any ideas? There is no config.php file in the update-directory:
app application.php box.json composer.json composer.lock CONTRIBUTING.md COPYING-AGPL index.php nbproject pub README.md src vendor

thanks in advance

Check the path to the data directory in config.php is correct, and that the permissions on it allow the webserver user to access it.

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thank you!
there was missing the following line in my config.php:

SOLVED :slight_smile: