Migrate circles from nextcloud 21 to 22

I am going to upgrade my nextcloud server from 21.0.7 to 22.2.3, but I have a message in my overview settings that says circle app has no updates (apps missing updates is exactly what it says). My question is, if I upgrade the nextcloud version, my circles app would dissapear or it is going to run normaly?

Thanks a lot!!

22.2.3 provides circles - i just checked my installaltion. I would …

  1. remove circles
  2. upgrade to 22.2.3
  3. install circles in the appstore

thanks a lot abyss02, i will try it tomorrow!

You might run into this here: Circles NC22.1.0 - Known Issues

So … in your config.php …

For example, replace this:
'overwrite.cli.url' => 'https://cloud.example.net',
By this:
'overwrite.cli.url' => 'https://cloud.example.net/',

On, I will check it before the upgrade, thanks a lot!

Just upgrade to 22.2.3, without disabling the app.
The app is not available on the Appstore anymore but shipped with Nextcloud.

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Ok, then I will just upgrade my nextcloud. Thank you!!!

Thank you for your help, I change my config.php line with this:
‘overwrite.cli.url’ => ‘https://cloud.example.net/’,
do the upgrade normaly and everithing is working fine.

Thank you again!!