Message to APP dev


know it is kind of strange days actually, but some app needs nc 19 ( already 19.0.2 ) compat fixed :slight_smile: :

i’m afraid you’d need to open an issue on their referring github-site…

You can read the following on the occweb repository:

:warning: Deprecated :warning:

As nextcloudd has no native support for asynchronous operations, due to the use of php, this aplication is deprecated, and will no longer support the Nextcloud’ future versions (19+). I did not find a way to implemement true support for interactive and long running occ tasks in a web terminal whitout introducing addtional dependencies (through websockets, for example), the lack of true asynchronous occ operations can lead to serious alterations of voluminous instances.
This issue may give some hints on why I decided to not support this application anymore.

That means it will definitly not get Nextcloud 19 support !!!

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@alfred already created a issue for issuetemplate on github:

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There is a issue about Nextcloud 18 compatibility for dicomviewer, wich seems to be about Nextcloud 19 compatibility too.

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This is a ongoing issue ( 20.0.8 - lost 7 apps from 18.0.x ), some app dying without any warning from dev…

Just had a company asking to let go nextcloud for something else … clearly, don’t know what to say…