Memories app wrong time zone

Good afternoon everyone,

I have a problem with the memories app and the time that memories indicate with the photos. (auto upload)

When I look in nextlcoud I see the correct time in the photos. However, when I look at the memories app on my phone, I see that it shows 2 hours early. I checked the following:

time zone server
time zone nextcloud
These look good. What could be the problem with this?



Goedemiddag Allemaal,

Ik heb een probleem met de memories app en de tijd die memories bij de foto’s aangeeft. (auto upload)

Als ik in nextlcoud kijk dan zie ik de goede tijd bij de foto’s staan. Echter als ik op mijn telefoon in de memories app kijk zie ik dat deze 2 uur te vroeg aan geeft. Ik heb het volgende gecontroleerd:

  • tijdzone server
  • tijdzone nextcloud

Deze staan goed. Wat kan hier het probleem van zijn?

Vriendelijke groet,



I noticed that it only happens with whatsapp pictures that are sent to me and automaticly uploaded.

If i take a picture wit my camera the time is correct.

Any thoughts?

I have the same issue with a fresh installation. Locale and time zone are set up correctly.

Whatsapp videos are also not vissible in the timeline. (All folders are checked in memories) Nextcloud autoupload works fine in nextcloud.

No one having the same issue?

are we the only ones? I have a bare metal installation.

I don’t use whatsapp, but based on my experience from developing LesPas, this might related to whatsapp strips EXIF from files when saving them to device storage, hence Memorie (or any other apps like my own LesPas) will have a hard time guessing the date of taking. Since you might be living in timezone UTC+2, 2 hours difference is the result.