Media Indexing of Snycfiles

Dear community dear builders,
I stumbled upon a question as syncing my phone with my Nextcloud.

My Issue:
When syncing my cloud, the data is stored in a storage path (~ in this case replaces /storage/sdcardname(external) or /sdcard/ (internal)):
where a .nomedia file is placed in the file tree (~/data/Android/.nomedia). Therefore, my synced files are accessible from the filebrowser but not from indexing apps like a music player or a media gallery app.

Iā€™d like to propose that the storage path:
is made available to save the files.

This is to be handled with caution, as the filespace is less protected.
And that is why I might say that a dependable storage path should be introduced.
Meaning, that for known media file types (flac, mp3, mp4, mkv, jpg, png, etc) the media path should be used.
And for everything else the data path should be used.

That ultimate solution would be a folder specific free choice path so that each folder can be specified individually and manually.

I know that there is an Issue open Nextcloud Sozial Media Team said to get involved here

"It would be interesting to discuss it with other members of the Nextcloud community here :

Create a thread and share your ideas about the client :slightly_smiling_face:
