Max file upload size, why needed?


I wanna upload some bigger files to my installation, but I configured 512MB max_file_upload_size. I could simply increase that size and it works, but I’m a little bit confused. As far as I know the desktop client is slicing the files in smaller chunks and uploads them. Why is the webserver (nginx in this case) restricting the file upload if smaller chunks are used?


The client is slicing files into chunks.

But the webinterface has a limit therefor there is the variable.

Perhaps you need the app “Flow Upload”

I’m not using the web interface for upload, but with 512M it won’t start the upload. But when I change the value to 5G and restart the sync it works.

Maybe just coincidence and the sync restart triggered the upload. But even restarting the nextcloud desktop client did not trigger the upload until I changed the value.

Would be cool, thanks, but at the moment I’m talking about the desktop client.

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