Mail 2FA for initial Login


I think it’s great that Nextcloud - version 17 - gives a user with enforced 2FA the opportunity to set up a second factor when they log in for the first time.

Unfortunately, only “U2F” and “OTP” are offered.

It would be very helpful, if also the option “Mail” would be offered here. Would that be possible to implement?

best regards

You can install apps for that. There are a couple of providers to add where one of them is email

Thank you for your prompt reply.

The Mail 2FA app I have activated and the user can configure it after the first login process in his settings.

However, it should be possible to configure the mail 2FA at the first login and there are only “U2F” and “OTP” displayed. Although the mail app is enabled and can be configured later in the settings.

We work in an international environment and can not demand from any external user a U2F device or an installed app. Since the e-mail 2FA would be very helpful, but it would also be necessary for the initial login process for a user in which 2FA is enforced.

Ahh. Yeah when force is on those are the only two options on a first time login. File a feature request for it on github.

Pardon my ignorance, but I can’t tell what status this feature is in… I followed the link to and read through all the comments on the enhancement request posted above which is still open, and from that to a “pull request” which is closed, but had plenty of activity…

Could some generous soul ELI5 what’s happening with this feature? I would love to see this functionality available out of the box…