Lose exif information after uploading from iPhone

I’ve tried to upload about 3000 photos and videos from my iPhone to my NAS which runs latest nextcloud docker with mysql/mariadb. But, the EXIF information of most of the photos are missing. Is that a bug of the iOS app?
iOS version: 11.1
NextCloud App: latest version from AppStore.

The same here (with IPhone 8)

During the Fotosync from IPhone 8 to Nexcloud all the Photos are converted to from .heic to .jpg (that’s good) but all the EXIF information are lost (that’s bad) . Is this normal??

Hi users, the conversion do not lose the exif.

Thats true, but after the conversion it is nearly empty. Not Time not GPS Info. But Exif Version (2.21) and other useless infos i.e. Pixel-x, Pixel-y, Flash Pix Verion … Is this a problem with Language. I use a German Language IPhone? When I copy the Pictures direct from IPhone tu PC I have all the Infos in the EXIF (also after coversion to jpg).

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I have still problem with EXIF see Picture Original (heic) and Converted (jpg).

Same problem here. Independendly if i use the nextcloud app or the webbrowser. Any Ideas?