Logfile location on debian-9 with nginx

Dear all,

i installed my nextcloud on a debian-9, with nginx.

where can i find the logfile?

i already gave full-privileges, by chmod 777 /var/log, to make sure,

nextcloud can write, but no logfile found.

Thanks, Chris

The screenshot says “More details can be found in the server log”.
For nginx the logfiles should be under var/log/nginx.

revered this. it’s not necessary.

most likely you have problems to connect to your database or redis.

you’ll find the nextcloud.log in the data folder. it’s either in /var/www/(html/)nextcloud/data or where ever you pointed during installation. (look in the config/config.php)

Thanks, Reiner Nippes!

I found the logs under the data-folder, inside the App-folder