Location of links for shared folders


On my Synology I have upgraded Nextcloud from 20.0.5 to I had problems with updater so I have decided to manually install Nextcloud with this manual: How to Install Nextcloud on Your Synology NAS – Marius Hosting

In previous version of Nextcloud I have uploaded some folders which I have shared with my coworkers. I have send them links with passwords.

As my knowledge of Nextcloud is only from the link above, with new version of Nextcloud I have also manually uploaded again the same folders which I have already shared in previous version.
Now the old shared links of folders, which my coworkers have from previous version of Nextcloud, don’t work any more of course.

Is it possible to find location of old sharing links (I have kept the previous nextcloud folder) and transfer them to new version of Nextcloud so that they will work again? If not, then I must send them new sharing links with new passwords



I think it is not possible. Also if you delete a share and re-create a share you do not get the same url. Perhaps you find the old shares in the backup of your old MariaDB. But also i think you can not use it :wink:

I use a simple php script outside nextcloud to create links e.g.




Then i can change the url in my php script.

But it would be a cool feature for user defined nextcloud share links.
Perhaps you like to write an issue

Till Nextcloud 17 there was the app shareRenamer

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The links are stored in the [yourprefix]_share table.
So, if you are a little proficient with mysql (that is, you have for example phpmyadmin set up), are willing to fiddle around directly in the database, and still have a dump of your old xyz_share table around somewhere, it might work to create a new link, then look into that table, and change the token field so that it matches the token in the old table.

I just tried this with a test share on my server, and it worked; it seems the token can be arbitrarily adapted after being created (I tried with token ‘AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA’).

Note: I do not accept any kind of liability on whether this works realibly :wink: And I urgently recommend to do a full backup (database and files) before you access the database in such a way!