Linux Desktop Client - Access denied when file/folder online deleted/changed

Hi everyone,

I am facing a weird issue with the Nextcloud Desktop client running on Mint 22.

Short description:
I host a Nextcloud server which works flawless.
There are clients from all major 3 platforms (Windows, Mac & Linux) connecting to it, and it works great. Except for the Linux client there is a weird issue.

For example:
A Mac or Windows client is uploading a file. It gets synced to all other clients. The same with folders. So far so good.

But when a Mac or Windows client is deleting/changing a file or folder, the change does not appear on the Linux client, it just throws the error “Access denied” and the file or folder stays unchanged on the Linux machine.

I guess it is a rights thing for the user runinng the Nextcloud client locally.
The owner of the NC folder is the local user, and the program is also executed as the local user.

What am I missing?
Did somebody had the same issue?

NC Server is running V29
Linux Client is 3.14 (but it is an issue since all versions before)
Mac and Windows are also up to date.

Due to the fact that the Linux client is having issues eversince, I guess it is something locally with the file/folder permissions.

What is your disro and how did you install? Did you install the flatpak or the local client? I personally use fedora and the flatpak client which works great, also multi Device.

Hi Lukas,

I am using Linux Mint 22.
The client is the flatpak package.


then it would be interesting to see possible error mesages with the local client. I installed the dev version of the client locally on my machine for a while when storage was important due to virtual file support via config-file changes.

Maybe this would maybe get us more information.

To the point of access denied error it very well could have something to do with flatpak and permissions, so the local client or even the ubuntu snap version might be a viable solution.
Normally the flatpak container should be even more resiliant in this regard as it creates averything the way it needs it. Did you maybe map the sync sotrage path to a removable device, a network storage, changed the user or selected a path out of the users native home dir?

You only talked about the client not syncing when chanung things on ms and mac. Does it work the other way around? Do changes from the linux client like actually changing a file, creating a new one or deleting it, acutally go through to the server?

Hi Lukas,

Thanks for your reply.
I could install the local version provided from the Mint Software manager as well instead of the flatpak.
Flatpak was chosen just due to make sure all dependencies are included and nothing interferes with the installation.

The NC folder is in the home folder of the user, which is located as by default. Not in a seperate partition or different location like a removeable device or network share.

The syncing from the Linux machine to all other devices works flawless. Also syncing new files from the other devices to the Linux machine works as expected.
The issue is only when a file changes from the other devices, a folder sync is removed on the Linux machine or a file gets deleted over the browser or another client.

It seems like there are read/write rights, but not change or delete.
It is really weird.

I can give it a try with the local version instead of flatpak. But as far as i remember, it has the same behaviour.

Is there anything else i can do to provide a more detailed look into it?
I have downloaded the debug archive already, but i couldn’t figure anything out from the logs, that’s why i am asking here.

As I don’t really know how to set or read flatpak file and or directory permissions, I cant help much further. I found this thread tho:

Maybe you want to tinker with that.
I would personally try the other client variants, then try the flatpak permissions via the thread. But this is how far my knowledge goes for this.

Wish you best of luck that someone else can help.