Latest twofactor_totp not in the app store? shows version 6.4.1 of the twofactor_totp app, but GitHub - nextcloud/twofactor_totp: 🔑 Second factor TOTP (RFC 6238) provider for Nextcloud appears to have much newer versions - anyone know what’s going on there?

TOTP is now a shipped app and not distributed through app store anymore: server/core/shipped.json at 2b7d9c1c9db85581a4b37a5a5e483b64ddd60a4b · nextcloud/server · GitHub

aaah got it! that could be clearer in the app store though :wink:

Indeed, that would make sense. Maybe you can open a feature request over at Issues · nextcloud/appstore · GitHub :slight_smile: :white_check_mark:

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With occ you can get a list of shipped apps:

occ app:list --shipped=true


… with the commandline appstore browser/client nc-apps, you get much information which the browser interface does not provide. Here queries about twofactor_totp for three different nextcloud-versions:

nc-apps id=twofactor_totp --version=24

which shows you the last not yet shipped version:

nc-apps id=twofactor_totp --version=25

which shows you the first shipped version


nc-apps id=twofactor_totp --version=29

which shows you the actual version for Nextcloud 29

I wrote nc-apps specifically to quickly access information about apps on the console that I would otherwise only have been able to get by comparing different websites and files. To this day, nc-apps is still unrivaled in this regard, since it shows information about shipped apps as well, what the browser appstore does not.

This query for example:

nc-apps shipped enabled --nopager

… provides unlike occ not only a list of app-id’s but the app names and additional informations such as issue tracker url, if restrictable to groups, if allways enabled or can be disabled etc. as well.

I use it daily and can’t imagine life without it, so maybe some of you will like it too.

Much and good luck,

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This is now clearer on the app store thanks to fix: Show a note for bundled apps by nickvergessen · Pull Request #1561 · nextcloud/appstore · GitHub by @nickvergessen :heart: