Large file external share with QNAP

Nextcloud version (11):
Operating system and version (QNAP 4.2):
Apache or nginx version (Apache 2.4.23):
PHP version (5.5.38):
Is this the first time you’ve seen this error and can you replicate it?: yes yes

The issue you are facing:
I want to put large files (upto 25GB) directly into the data folder and use a share link to provide to clients.

In the OwnCloud (8.0.2) provided with QNAP application centre, once installed I can directly put a large file into the data folder (/Qweb/OwnCloud/data/user/files) and it immediately appears in the web interface to create a share link.

With the Nextcloud install I have found I cannot directly put files into the data folder. they do not show up.

I have changed the data location to point to /Qweb/nextcloud/data/ and have tested uploading little files through web interface no problems.

Is there a setting to modify that I can enable this function? am I doing something wrong?

We recently got a 500/500 fibre connection and want to try a new distribution method to select clients.

So many gotchas with Qnap

found that the 4.2.2 OS of qnap only has php 5.5.38. upgrade to 4.3 beta to get 5.6 support.

but when I was installing Nextcloud Qapache was required which has PHP 7.0.9

/opt/Qapache/bin/php occ files:scan --all

Still did not find any new files.

I have started a fresh install of Nextcloud.

I have created a external storage and put an array of files in there. (lots of excel and word docs)
I also put in 3 .ECW files 5GB 10GB and 20GB.

Running the occ files:scan --all command finds the small files but the ECW’s are left off.

Is there a hard coded limit to prevent large files from being scanned?