Just change the SD-card and SSD?

Hey thereā€¦

I am quite new here and I hope that you can help meā€¦

I have NextCloudPi installed on a Raspberry 3B+ with an external USB-SSD and it works fine.
Today I got my new Raspberry 4 (4GB).

Now I wonder if it works if I only remove the SD-card (and the SSD) from the 3B and plug it into the new Raspi4, connect it to the power and everything is like beforeā€¦?

(Of course I would change the internal IP - so that the new RPi4 uses the one which was used from the 3B before)

THANK YOU very much!

I would say no. Because they new pi may name the drives differently and you may have some driver problems. I would do it fresh and migrate everything over. Just make sure you have a back up If you want to try it

Okay, that makes senseā€¦

So I will have to make a new installation of CloudMaticPi, make a backup from the Pi3, restore it on the Pi4 and thenā€¦
ā€¦just plug the SSD into the Pi4?

I dont want the Pi4 to format it because there are lots of files on itā€¦

Yea so just redeploy nextcloud on the pi4 add the drive. Just make sure you have a backup of that drive. It shouldnā€™t format the drive because your pi3 would have do that when you set that up. But if you have mounted the drive say in /mnt/data/nextcloud and made a entry in fstab, you will need to create the mount point and add the entry into the fstab file

Oha - okayā€¦ - I will try.
I am not used to use Linux - I have to use plug&play things.
I hope that all works as I want toā€¦

But one more question.
I have installed a certificate (letsencrypt) on the Pi3. This is only for one domain. I know that one certificate can be used for multiple domains - do you know how to install a multiple-domain cert to NextCloud? (Background: I want to add my private IP 192.168.xxx to the cert - now it is only for the DDNS-domain.)

Something like this: click
But I guess this has to be done via ssh / shell?!

Afaik, Letā€™s Encrypt doesnā€™t support certificates with ip addresses. Better is to set-up your local DNS to resolve your official FQDN :wink:

Whatever you mean with this?!

Set-up your network in that way that you can access your local Nextcloud instance using the official FQDN of your server, which youā€™ve used to create the LE certificate, instead of using an ip address.