Isnt it possible to mount a share from a owncloud installation in nextcloud?

Hi there!

I got a federation share from an owncloud installation.
When I try to add that share to my nextcloud installation, I’m receiving the error message like “…is not an owncloud installation…”.

Isn’t it possible to mount a share from a owncloud installation in nextcloud?

Thank you in advance,

Should be possible.
How exactly are you trying it?

I’m just typing my URL in the field “Add to your owncloud”.
Syntax of URL with https and the path, without index.php.

I checked my config.
Access to my nextcloud installation is working via DynDNS.
When I try to add the federation share now, I’m getting an internal server error.
Not from Apache2, but from my nextcloud installation, telling me, that I have to contact my sysadmin and that I will find more information in the logfiles.
Last I checked with no success.

Either take the link to a shared folder, or if you want to add the store of a user, take the url that is shown in the flie-view (bottom-left):