Ip blacklist remove in Nextcloud VM with postgresql

Hello, i have installed Nextcloud 19 .0.1 VM in Ubuntu 18.04 and postgresql, and i can not connect now from my ip, i think its blacklist because only not works for me and i can make ping and access without problems to other servers from my cloud, i installed app for whitelist my ip but can i not make work, please anybody can i tell me how can i remove my ip for the blacklist ??? i try info about mysql, but i have postgresql and i not know what database use vm nextcloud


Thank you

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Did you install Fail2ban?

In that case you need to unblock the blocled IP in your iptables/Fail2ban.


Yes, thank you i was going crazy :frowning:
Can i put my ip in whitelist in web admin ??

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You can set Fail2ban to ignore certain IPs. The default setting is:

ignoreip =

You can edit it here: /etc/fail2ban/jail.local

Hope it helps!