iOS Calendar & Contacts sync


I wan’t to set up my calendar and contacts sync at iOS and I have encountered a problem.
When setting up I get an SSL-error. My accountdata are ok and with another iOS-device it works fine. When I changed the network from WiFi to mobile it works.

The solution:
Apple check the ports 443 for and 8443 and my Router (fritzbox) seems to block it.
On the website you can find more infos:
Maybe it would be good to mention this on

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I created a new issue in the documentation:

If you want, you can do this yourself, add the link to the documentation and create a pull request.

@tflidd thank you :slight_smile:

Duuuuude! I spent sooooo much time only trying to get my darn Apple Device to finally work with my NextCloud. Tried about everything (changing passwords, fiddling with ssl_ciphers, removing and resetting everything…). Your Clue finally solved it! I’m a FritzBox user myself. Never dreamed it could have something to do with it. Thanks for posting that!

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