iOS App Webdav Error 404 - Folder does not exist - Only LDAP User


im a little bit confused.
Ive this Error, but only by LDAP-User:

In the Debug log ive this response:

Can anyone help me.

Its only in the App from my mobile Device.
The fodler under /var/www/html/nextcloud/data are my activedirectory objectguid.

Web-based its works fine.

same here, after update from 16 to 17.0.3

Sadly, still an issue with 18.0.1.

Edit: Apparently, the fix will be available soon :partying_face: Issues with last nextcloud apps V2.25.6 on iOS

Issue still exists!

Nextcloud: 18.0.1
iOS app: 2.25.8

Change log App Store:
-Fixed the use of Nextcloud with LDAP

Error message in the app is a little bit changed:

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iOS App fixed the Problem

Iā€™m sorry, but the issue still exists with :frowning: