iOS app media not showing by date

I’ve organized all my photos in user\files\photos\year\month (ex.: photos\2012\02) same as the photo upload feature. The files have been modified such that their access/create/modified date property is consistent with their folder location and name (ex.: 2012_02_24_17_05_95_0001.jpg)

My problem is that when I go into the iOS app in media and select photos as my media root folder nothing shows up. And when I select my user root folder (default) all my picture files show up in a non logical order not matching the date on the top left in bold white font.

However, if I go into a particular year\month within the photos folder it works, but of course, this is not a solution for all my media.

Do my folder create dates need to be consistent with their naming. Example 2012 folder created 2012-01-01.

Ok solved the issue with nonsensical dates. An external share with prior photo edits with wrong dates was being read in.

Now it works fine if I don’t mess with the media directory and leave it as default, but I select another location, nothing shows up.

I have exactly the same problem and the same folder structure. This is an issue for which the photo app in nextcloud is criticized, too. We are all waiting for a solution.

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Hey Iam just to confirm do you have to leave media folder as default and if you select the your photo folder nothing shows up?

This is annoying because it’s reading in other photos from my other folders that I don’t want to see in media.

So basically I think the request is: Search for photos/videos in sub folders when selecting a media folder.

if I select an other folder, wich contains other folders with picture files, it only shows me the first folder’s pictures and stops loading if I try to scroll down further.

So I chose the folder “Family Archive” where there a folders named after years (2020 to 1950) and inside them you find folders named after months (0 to 12) and in there are pictures. The Nextcloud app is going to show only the pictures of the first month in 2020. The rest of my photo library doesn’t appear.