IOS 13 calendar app and Invitees for events


At this time I am only using Nextcloud as just a calendar and contact server to sync between my Iphone and my work Outlook app via Caldav and Cardav on the IOS side and Caldav Syncronizer on the Outlook side. The issue I have encountered is how my Iphone (IOS 13) sends a calendar event with an invitee to Nextcloud and how Nextcloud interprets the event with an invitee I’ll explain:

I create a calendar event on my IPhone and add an invitee (not a Nextcloud user) via their email address.
On the IPhone calendar app everything is fine.
On my Nextcloud calendar the event attendees list the invited person and myself. This is not correct.
The calendar event shows up on my Outlook app with me listed as the organizer and an attendant. This causes Outlook to not handle the meeting event properly if I update the meeting through Outlook. If I remove myself from the attendee list on Outlook, an email from Nextcloud is sent to the invitee that the meeting is cancelled.

I have not been able to locate any information on how the event is interpreted by Nextcloud when it’s created on the IPhone. I am not sure what log to look at. Has anyone else experience this issue?

Thank you,
