InvalidSignatureException for all apps

In Beta 7 it’s all broken again, I cannot update ANY app. This is due to all core and other apps reporting wrong signatures (see /settings/overview → /settings/integrity/failed).

Is there any way to bypass the signature and force the installation?

I’ve been able to install once I downloaded the app from the website.
Just download the tar.gz , extract the app folder, upload it to the /app dir and enable it from the app interface. HTH

Still doesn’t solve the root problem. I have the same issue as well.

Last update (NC 21.0.0 beta8) seems to have solved the issue.

Yes it fixed it for me, too

I’m on 20.0.4 and all my app updates fail. (invalid signature)

I also lost twofactor_u2f during the update to 20.0.4 and can’t install it via the app store. When I manually download and install it, I can activate it but the settings page “security” where I can configure twofactor_u2f settings is just blank.

Maybe try updating to 20.0.7 via command line!

Thanks for your answer!
I’m using NCP and tried updating manually using occ, but the update failed miserably (without exactly telling me what went wrong) and even the rollback failed. Had to re-install everything from a backup.
I shall have to wait until the kind folks from NextcloudPi release the update if there isn’t another workaround for the problem.

I had the same issue with, disabling Social Login fixed all of the signature errors. It seems like this was addressed by the Social Login dev here: Breaks installation for other apps while social login is active · Issue #218 · zorn-v/nextcloud-social-login · GitHub

It seems like completely uninstalling, updating everything, and reinstalling the Social Login app may fix the issue.

Thanks magneticflux. I somehow seem to have fixed the issue of invalid signatures by deactivating/removing all apps and then reinstalling them.

However, if I install twofactor_u2f, the whole interface blanks out. After removing oc_u2f_registrations from the database I was able to remove the app entirely. I still can’t use twofactor_u2f but I just switched to twofactors_webauthn, which works just fine.

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I had to disable EVERY app before I could update any of my apps, due to this signature issue. Allow me to quantify what “every app” looks like for me:

GitHub Integration
GitLab Integration
Photo Sphere Viewer
Twitter Integration
Auditing / Logging
Brute-force Settings
Camera RAW Previews
Collaborative tags
Contacts Integration
Deleted files
External sites
File sharing
First run wizard
LDAP user and group backend
Log Reader
Markdown Editor
Nextcloud announcements
Password policy
PDF viewer
Preview Generator
Right click
Share by mail
Update notifications
Usage survey
User status
Video player
Weather status

Once I had disabled EVERY single one, I could then update app the apps that needed updating. I then had to re-enable each app one by one. And apps seection of nextCloud gets REALLY slow when having to deal with enabling so many apps, I have to reload the page it’s so slow. It was super slow when it was getting the invalid signature error too. So I’m thinking there’s some sort of bloat in this sectino of administration of nextcloud, as just one of these tabs can cripple my entire browser.

I’ve been trying to fix this for months, and disabling Social Login worked. Wow. Thank you!