Internal Server Error after php change

Hello Community,

I did have a perfectly working Nextcloud. However, after I tried to set up mail, I stumbled across an error that said “Could not open Inbox”. On a forum, somebody advised somebody else to enable debugging mode. So I followed this tutorial to enable debug mode(‘debug’ ⇒ true), and set the Log-Level to 0. After that, I restarted Apache with systemctl restart apache2.

After that was done, the mistake in the title just appeared.

Internal Server Error

The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator if this error reappears multiple times, please include the technical details below in your report.
More details can be found in the webserver log.

My first though was ok, let’s undo what you did, so I changed log level to 2 again and deleted the other entry. The error stays. I even tried to restart the whole server.

The Nextcloud.log just says level 2 errors from weeks ago.

I’m running Nextcloud on an Ubuntu 22.04 CT in Proxmox. I updated Nextcloud to the latest version.

I would appreciate help.
Best regards,

I wonder where you could find more information related to this unspecific error :wink:

If the php version is changed, mostly some required modules are missing…

I’m an official idiot. I looked in the Nextcloud log but not in the apache :man_facepalming:
The error was detailed there. just a " was missing.

Thanks for pointing that out