Integrated FAQ | Wiki system

Owncloud (and now soon to be Nextcloud) …

  • stores, tags and shares documents with integrated authentication & authorization
  • stores, tags and shares files of various types with same

I’ve never understood why the solution at large didn’t have a way to make these artifacts more useful.

For many years I’ve used phpmyfaq ( ) to get this job done, but it has troubled me that most of the heavy lifting can already be done by (Next|Own)cloud. If I were a php person, I’d have tried to create the app myself. Unfortunately I am not.

In short I think an integrated FAQ system should:

With such an approach a user can then directly edit MD files outside of the HTML frontend locally with their editor of choice.Share and distribute these documents as link references to those they wish to share with.

If you then consider the sharing capabilities that are baked into __cloud, the utility of the solution really grows exponentially. All the features of __cloud can be leveraged. Moreover, I would assert that much of the work has already been done and is largely loosely coupled with is exactly what the developers should want.

I am currently doing this entire thing in a bastardized way using ATOM editor as my front-end of this dedicated directory (and artifact directory) and it works well enough. I think the community at large would truly value a genuine implementation.

[Two links in a post — REALLY? - what year is this?] <- fixed that for you. It’s a new user limit.


I would love to see a wiki app or documentation app integrated into nextcloud.


Any progress on this?

I am looking for a simple possiblity to create a FAQ list like:
answers opened on klick on Question
Posibility to sort Questions in alphabetical order

Any ideas
Looking forward to suggestions


Oktober 2019

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Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam?

However, at NC make code not war.

quidquid agis, prudenter agas et respice finem!

However speedup to make code not war.

Is something like this in pipiline?

I’m Currently using app + the new text app to work around the lack of a wiki app.

The biggest issue is the new Text app doesn’t have table support.

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Any news in NC 18 concerning this?

Any Progress?

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