Installation with cabled internet connection?

Been searching on the internet to find post on how connect the hardware after the initial installation of the box and the RPi. I havn’t succeded… Maybe there is an informative link?

My situation is, I use a cable connection for internet (not wireless), like her (including my laptop).

My main idea about the Nextcloud box, is to use it as a separate unit, connected to own power outlet and own internet connection (cabled).

My uncertainty is as follows:

  1. Is it correct to connect the female micro SD (from the 3-connection cable) with the male micro SD leaving a USB male outside the box? This should be connected with the power connection?

  2. Can I connect the cable directly into the RPi? There is ’a hole’ in which an internet cable can fit.

I have tried it but it hasn’t work yet.

Thanks in advance:-).

of course you can and should plug in your ethernet directly into the rpi.

Is it correct to connect the female micro SD (from the 3-connection cable) with the male micro SD leaving a USB male outside the box? This should be connected with the power connection?

setting up nextcloudbox-hardware
you should have had the picture above in your packet that your receives from wdlabs. take a careful look and you’ll see that there is only 1 possible solution to plug the usb-cables correctly.