Install Collabora on NC with Self Signed Certificate

Hi all,
first Sorry for my English :wink:
I bought two VPS to install Next Cloud on one and Collabora on the other. But Iā€™m totally confused and do not understand how to connect the two.
I installed NextCloud on the Apache server and it works perfectly with self signed certificate. But I have trouble installing Collabora. First, I installed it on the second server with the same instructions as on the site, but when I gave the address of that server in Nextcloud setting, it did not accept. In the second attempt, I installed Collabora in the same way as the first one on the Next Cloud server itself, and tried to establish the connection by activating the second site configuration (I create a office.config in apache2/sites-available/ and activated it with a2ensite office.config), but again I received the same warning.
I would be very grateful if anyone could guide me in this regard.