Inst bookmarks missing libs gmp and intl

Iโ€™m new to nextcloud. Try to install bookmarks app. Not possible to install because of missing libs : gmt and intl. Installation under Debian Buster. Already tried to install:

#apt update
#apt install php7.1-gmp
#apt install php7.1-intl
(version 7.1 because mentioned in github)

-> message of missing libs doesnt disappear even not after restart . . .
so no bookmarks installation . . .
any ideas?

thanx for Ur attention :slight_smile:

I would recommend to check which PHP version you are currently using first, before installing modules, because it could be possible that they are not matching. On the command line you can e.g. run php --version, for the web interface a different check is necessary.

yeah man,
You were right -> checking installed version of php, purging installed libraries version 7.4, installing libs version 7.3 restart and
-> prob resolved
thanx j-ed for Ur help, nice having talked about it. Thatโ€™s the way life works :wink:

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