Import old camera photos

Hello everybody.
I have very much backups from my smartphone. I saved the hole sdcard on my pc from android storage. The folders contains just the DCIM directories.

Now on Android I activated subdirectories like /2017/01/ - /2017/12/ and I want to import old photos in the same structure. It will be nice, if I just can add them to the cloud and the cloud will sort them in the correct directories:
201*/01/ - 201*/12/.
I and many other would like this feature to import old backups to nextcloud :slight_smile:
I will got a lot of new free space if I can get the old files to this structure and delete these old backups :slight_smile:

Hi @STrike,

this is part of the road map for the auto upload feature, see but work hasn’t started on this due to different priorities like end-to-end encryption and the work on Nextcloud talk.


Oh no, it got moved to android section…

I know the longer goals #285 for android :wink: . My intention to post this here in the forum was to not involving any smartphones…
the sorting of old camera folders (which are on pc, and which exceeds low-capacity storages of smartphones) should also go without smartphones, so old backups can also be sorted and included which are only on pc and not anymore on smartphones. The 2nd thing is, my windows PCs can also take photos and screenshots.
I do not want to move my Windows photos even on my smartphones, so that is in the correct sructure to be uploaded (just because its only on smartphones implemented).
The windows client or the webui should also be able to do that.
Can anyone move it back to the right section, because it has nothing to do with android (its only working on android :slight_smile: )

I moved it to the general feature category for you :slight_smile:

Thank you :wink:
Will be back on Github when I have more time :wink: