Import from Google Chrome

I exported all my passwords as csv file, but when importing there is a yellow banner that says:

The file has the type “application/” but “text/csv” is expected. You might have chosen the wrong file or importer.

Opened with ms excel, exported as csv again and tried to import one more time. The same warning appears again.
Next step i tried to upload despite of the warning, but a pop up appears with the text CSV file can not be mapped

What can i do? or it is no possible?
Thanks in advance

When you say “importing” what are you doing exactly?

If you import a custom csv file, use the other / custom csv import. The predefined csv imports only work for the service they were designed to.

You can ignore the file type warning. Windows sometimes reports a different file type based on the program which you have set as default for the file type. The import shows the warning if the reported file type does not match “text/csv” which is the official type for csv.

The problem is i tried to upload despite of the warning, but a pop up appears with the text CSV file can not be mapped.
Anyway, i ran a virtualbox machine and uploaded it without any problem.
Thanks for your time :slightly_smiling_face: