I can only login via CHROME; not with Safari, Firefox etc

Hi guys,
I recently used the “auto updater” in the admin backend as it showed it can upgrade from 16.latest to 17.latest. This is what I please the server to do :slight_smile: But FAILED in the process. Hence, I restored both, the file system and the mySQL data base from the backup.

Now I am back online with Nextcloud 16.latest However, ONLY CHROME allows me to login. All other browser accept my login data but when I press “Enter”… nothing - simply nothing happens…

This is me: https://cloud.pixeldiversity.com

Maybe one can help me out ! Would appreciate it.


Looks like I either did not explain my problem in detail or it is maybe that easy and often explained that I am blind to any solution :slight_smile:
Thank you to anyone who might help me out.

If you load the page and activate the developer tools you can see that some resources are not loaded because of CSP (content security policy?)
I suppose without these resources the login won’t work…

Hi tflidd,
thanks a lot. Yes, I see some errors. But honestly, no idea to fix it.

Looks like some code misses to evaluate a variable:

TypeError: OC.getRootPath is not a function. (In ‘OC.getRootPath()’, ‘OC.getRootPath’ is undefined)