Hyperlink in EXCEL does not open file on Nextcloud

I would like to use a link to a file on Nextcloud in a Microsoft EXCEL 2016 worksheet.
I use the function HYPERLINK(“https://…”,“Link”).
When clicking on the cell with the hyperlink, EXCEL asks for the credentials to Nextcloud. Later, a window appears "Unable to open htts://… Cannot locate the Internet server or proxy server.

When I put the url “https://…” in the url line of a browser, it opens the file without any problem.

I would appreciate any help very much.


Which browser are you using by default? MS programs usually rely on the IE/Edge library of your Win10 system. If you access the internet using a proxy, which isn’t configured in these settings, you might run into the given problem.

Thank you very much for your answer!
I am using Google Chrome on a Win10 system. Proxy is set to “automatic”. I could switch to Edge for default browser but have no idea about proxy settings.
Anyhow, the EXCEL file is used by different people with various computers/settings/default browsers that we are not administrating. So I guess that I cannot use hyperlinks.

Unable to open htts://… Cannot locate the Internet server or proxy server.

BTW, “htts://…” isn’t a valid protocol :wink: