Https:// shows no list

I visited and expected a list of providers which sell nextcloud instances. But there is not such a list to find.

Where can I find such a list?


On that page, there are three links taking you to three different lists.

Before it was quite neat to find a provider.
You could ask for a specific country, for free accounts, for a specific amount of data…
now it’s look like worst and can’t do a fine search.

Yes, fine search with location and type of plans was what I would have liked.

It looks like the old list no longer exists. Who knows why?

Maybe @jospoortvliet car give us an explaining about that ?
I hope so.

What a shame not to get an answer! I think exactly these providers have made Nextcloud great again.

I always thought that Nextcloud was the opposite of owncloud. But doesn’t seem to be. Apparently only the providers who pay to Nextcloud are listed.

It’s a shame that customers are not allowed to decide which provider in the market they want to choose.

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You can enlist for the third list here:

Here is a pull request for adding more services:

Please review and comment there.

It isnt the old list.

I never said that. The “community hosting” section at leads to this repository. You can enlist your service there if you want.