HTML Exploid CVE 2017 8757 in keeweb.php?

Today I got a virus warning from my hoster:

12:24:28 Virus "Html.Exploit.CVE_2017_8757-6336185-0" found in file "[...]/nextcloud/data/updater-ocx573spbf67/backups/nextcloud-"

Hoster is all-inkl and they use ClamAv, AFAIK. False positive?

Dunno, just paste the file contents

Got the same warning from ALL-INKLā€¦ I had the file checked with VIRUSTOTAL [https://www.virustotal.] and ONLY ClamAV (of a total of 30+ virusscanners) finds the mentioned virusā€¦ I also submitted the file to ClamAV for checkā€¦ but since a week no feedback so farā€¦

So I assume also itā€™s a false positiveā€¦