How to use the backport of Nextcloud for my app?

Hi everyone :slight_smile:

I would like to use the backportbot by Nextcloud ( GitHub - nextcloud/backportbot: A bot to help with backporting in the Nextcloud server repo ) for the workspace app ( GitHub - arawa/workspace: Create shared workspaces and delegate management of their members and groups ).

But, I don’t know how I should use it with GitHub ?

How do I “install” it on my Github project ?

Thank you :blush:

The bot is a registered app on Github as far as I know but not available for everyone. @skjnldsv do you know more about this? Do we limit the bot to “our” organizations?

Hi @ChristophWurst :slight_smile:

What do you mean by “the bot is a registered app on GitHub” ? Do you mean the bot is already available for some repositories ?

I don’t know if it’s available for everyone, but it’s noted in the developer documentation :point_right:

So, is this section is for Nextcloud’s developers only or not ? :thinking:

The bot is registered on Github, but not listed at GitHub Marketplace · Apps to improve your workflow · GitHub

So I think it is limited to the organization Nextcloud · GitHub.

We can clarify that in the documentation.

 I don’t know how I have to manage the workspace app for nextcloud 25 with the new update of @nextcloud/vue to version 7.3.0 :point_right:

If I understand, with this update, I cannot use it for Nextcloud 24 and below ?

I look at no Nextcloud apps and I see Vitor used your backport : Bump vue-template-compiler from 2.7.13 to 2.7.14 by dependabot[bot] · Pull Request #1380 · LibreSign/libresign · GitHub

So, I think it’s possible for a no Nextcloud apps ? :thinking:

Edit : Aaaah no ! He used a private backport for this app :open_mouth:

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Off topic but yes. v7 requires 25 IIRC.

I am just on my way to implementing my own backport service using GitHub actions only. If you are interested, you can look at this if you like, in the cookbook app. (I need to refactor a bit as the testing broke part of my “clean” git history

If this was interested for the community, we could think of publishing a GH action in the marketplace. What do you think?

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Hi :wave:

Yes, I’m very interesting by your bot :+1:

I think it’s very important to share this bot to the dev community via a documentation which describe how to work (install and configuraiton) it step by step.
Or in the GitHub marketplace.

If we would like to share with the community. Could it is interesting to have a meeting with the community in a videoconference, in this case ?

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How would you like to handle the further steps? The writing of some documentation is obviously on my side.

How would you like to handle this integration with the community (aka video conference)?