How to troubleshoot the android app?

My android app (latest current version) is unable to auto-sync any folders, but manual uploads and logins work fine.
I had given up on this months ago but I would like to revisit this and troubleshoot.
The server side shows no errors and other clients work fine. Where can I find the error logs from the android app? The app tells me nothing useful.

Head into settings. The logs should then be visible when you scroll down. If not, enable expert mode.

Thank you, I enabled expert mode a few hours ago but there is still nothing in logs, as you can see from the screenshot below.
Nextcloud was killing my phone with background ā€˜auto-uploadā€™ failures, even though I disabled them all. I finally had to kill the app and then I cleared the cache for the app and restarted. It didnā€™t fix anything, and I still donā€™t have any logs.
Any ideas?
Nextcloud was working great on this phone until a couple months ago when I wiped the O.S. and reinstalled everything. I did this because it was generally slowing down and I just wanted a clean fresh start again. When the phone was up again I reinstalled Nextcloud, but auto-upload wouldnā€™t work anymore. I can manually upload and download files through the app, but anything related to auto-upload doesnā€™t work. In fact, it retries continually in the background every so often and I have to stop it or it brings my phone to a crawl.
Iā€™m at a loss here. Iā€™m willing to put in some time and effort, but Iā€™m really stuck.

Also, my server version is: 12.0.4 and is up to date on the ā€œstableā€ update channel.

@tobiasKaminsky @Andy @mario blank logs appear to be a recurring thing.

yea, empty logs arenā€™t very helpful. :roll_eyes: :face_with_monocle:

Iā€™ve been extremely happy since Nextcloud came out. Itā€™s the app Iā€™ve always wanted, so Iā€™m not dependent on third party hosted cloud storage. Unfortunately the app isnā€™t as reliable as it should be, which has made it pretty hard for me to get friends and family to adopt it.

Should be fixed with 2.1RC1 (due soon) if I can get the storage improvements merged.

The new release candidate is out 3.0.0RC1 which also ships a lot of improvements besides some large new features like e2e support and ipv6

I installed the new test version on my Samsung Galaxy a few days ago and itā€™s still not working.
I configured auto-upload for several folders and they are not syncing.
The logs do have content now, but i donā€™t notice anything out of the ordinary.
Also when trying to email logs, I get an empty email with no logs attached.