How to remove duplicate contacts?

Hello and thank you for NC,
I’m using NC
yesterday I was looking at the “contact backup” section in Nextcloud, and it suddenly reimported all my contacts. I did it again to check why it happened, and now I have 3x of all my contacts.

I was looking if it was possible to make it from a thirty part client, like Thunderbird. Unfortunately this plugin is not compatible with the last Thunderbird version.

Is there an easy way to get rid of duplicates?

Thank you.

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This feature request seems to be still open (2019)

Merge duplicate contacts [$70] · Issue #70 · nextcloud/contacts · GitHub

also here
[Suggestion] deduping contacts - #4 by lars-becker

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Thank you. I’ve seen these topics, but I hoped that there was a workaround.

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