How to move old data to new NC Installation with fresh database


I installed a new Nextcloud on my Ubuntu 22.04 ARM Server. I somehow messed up my DB Backup. So I took the chance and switched from MaraiDB to Postgres.

I still have the Data for my user and now I want that synced to a new user.

Here is what I did:

  • Installed Nextcloud with an admin account
  • added a user
  • rsynced all the files to nextcoud/data/user/files
  • used occ files:scan user to get files into db

Now when I log into the user, there just something wrong. The folders I synced are not shown. Instead there are folders like “tmep” “subsubdir” which seem like subfilders from some abitrary folders I rsynced. On the Server the folders are there in the right order.

What can I do to show the files in my user account correctly? Thank you

The simplest solution would be to skip all of that and just allow the files to sync normally from the client.

Hello Karl. Thanks for your suggestion. The problem is that the size of the files are too big for my laptop to sync from the client to the server. There is always more data on my server than on my notebook. So I don’t sync every folder.

But maybe I could do this step by step in chunks of data…