How to integrate collabora office and cloud?

Hi everyone!

I installed owncloud 10 and I installed collabora office on another server.

I installed app collabora office in marketplace of owncloud.
I think this is only connector.

Then when I follow with configuration, I visited my personal area like administrato of owncloud and it don’t let me see nothing.

On browser it says This page don’t work. HTTP ERROR 500

Then I review log: this log --> …/data/owncloud.log

The message is:

{“reqId”:“jxuWtxNOUUHC4mwZHSQJ”,“level”:3,“time”:“2017-09-06T11:48:21+00:00”,“remoteAddr”:“”,“user”:“adminiotero”,“app”:“PHP”,“method”:“GET”,“url”:"/cloud/index.php/settings/personal",“message”:“Class OCA\GpxEdit\Settings\Admin contains 2 abstract methods and must therefore be declared abstract or implement the remaining methods (OCP\Settings\ISettings::getPanel, OCP\Settings\ISettings::getSectionID) at /var/www/html/cloud/apps/gpxedit/lib/Settings/Admin.php#36”}
{“reqId”:“T7wwP0098yEAOZu6MIL4”,“level”:3,“time”:“2017-09-06T11:52:39+00:00”,“remoteAddr”:“”,“user”:“adminiotero”,“app”:“PHP”,“method”:“GET”,“url”:"/cloud/index.php/settings/personal",“message”:“Class OCA\GpxEdit\Settings\Admin contains 2 abstract methods and must therefore be declared abstract or implement the remaining methods (OCP\Settings\ISettings::getPanel, OCP\Settings\ISettings::getSectionID) at /var/www/html/cloud/apps/gpxedit/lib/Settings/Admin.php#36”}

Could anyone help me?
I ask if is it he same problem in nextcloud.


Verify that you pass the iptables. At random, open port 9980 for all external accesses. You can then improve safety.

iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 9980 -s -j ACCEPT

Thanks Jean!

After reviewing the apache error log, in this case uninstalling the gpx application has been enogh.

Now, I am able to access my personal settings area to add the url of server collabora office.

On the other hand I am not able to create a document of collabora office.

Owncloud doesn’t show any error in …/data/owncloud.log

What could I do?
Do I need to review any other log of owncloud server or collabora office server?

Where is it?
