How to install the plugin on server side?

Hi, any advice on how to install it on the server?
I’m trying:
➜ ~ docker exec --user www-data -it nextcloud php occ app:install cookbook
Error: Could not download app cookbook
My instance is running 25.0.1.

As admin user under Apps in top right settings menu of webui. No need for occ.

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Maybe there war a network glitch at that time? I am able to download the 0.10.1 version from the app store right now. Can you retry?

If it is still failing,…

  • is there any log in the nextcloud logs generated?
  • can you access the internet from the nextcloud server machine without proxy/…?
  • are other apps able to be installed?
  • was the app pre-installed?

Yes. It was a network glitch. Nextcloud could not connect to the store, that is why it was not showing up in the apps list and I tried occ. Thank you.