How to grep last 5 Minutes of Nextcloud logs

Hello all, I was searching, but could not found the way how to grep last e.g. 5 minutes from audit.log or nextcloud.log. I try this command:

awk -v d1="$(date --date="-125 min" "+%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:00+00:00")" -v d2="$(date --date="-100 min" "+%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:00+00:00"")" -F'["]' '$10 > d1 && $10 < d2 || $10 ~ d2' audit.log

But without any success.
I find out that:

  1. Logs time is in Time Zone Zero and ether my system wrongly configured, or it is ignoring config. Funny thing is that in Logging App time showed correctly to my time zone. For this basically I put -125 min to bring it to my time Zone.
  2. Logs are not easy to grep. With current format it is not easy for AWK to find the correct path. E.g. Logs format is
{"reqId":"DqPobz65sMuK45Q6Acxq","level":1,"time":"2020-05-07T08:43:08+00:00","remoteAddr":"","user":"xxx","app":"admin_audit","method":"GET","url":"/ocs/v2.php/apps/serverinfo/api/v1/info","message":"Login successful: \"xxx\"","userAgent":"curl/7.58.0","version":""}

I checked that date works correctly and bring output in NC like format:

# date --date="-125 min" "+%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:00+00:00"

I checked that I can AWK this field number 10:

# awk -F'["]' '{print $10}' audit.log | tail

But then all together it does not work. So, how to see nextcloud logs for a last 5 minutes?

moved to dev-category because i think it would fit better there.

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I solve the issue. Somehow it did not work in one line, so I have to move out data variable outside of it and it works fine:

dateFrom=$(date --date="-125 min" "+%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:00+00:00")
dateTo=$(date --date="-120 min" "+%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:00+00:00")

awk -v d1="$dateFrom" -v d2="$dateTo" -F'["]' '$10 > d1 && $10 < d2 || $10 ~ d2' $DataDirectory/audit.log
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