How does Nextcloud perform file transfers to date store (temp directory keeps growing)

I’m trying to understand the purpose of the temp directory and how it consumes space and if it eventually moves files to the intended destination and if so when/how?

I have a 500GB boot disk, and the Nextcloud install resides on it as does the temporary directory (configured in config.php) as well as the /tmp folder (which is odd, since that’s not configured). My “data” directory resides on a NFS share and I see the users and data there.

Uploading files though consumes a large portion of the / partition on the 500GB boot disk.

My assumption is that some process cleans up these files and either moves them to the proper defined /data location or deletes them when needed.

Is that a correct assumption?


There are different processes that use temporary directory space for different purposes.

  • The operating system
    (you haven’t given any information about your operating system, so for the sake of simplicity I’ll assume Ubuntu here)
    • /tmp:
      mounted as tmpfs, which is in fact inside of the RAM of the server. It is not persistant between reboots.
      If nothing else is defined, both php and nextcloud use that directory for temporary files.

However, php and nextcloud can define different temporary directories, which makes it easier to find out exactly which processes the temporary files come from.

In php there are the directives

These are mapped to the environment value of TMPDIR (/tmp by default), but can be set to, for example:

sys_temp_dir = "/tmp_php"
upload_tmp_dir = "/tmp_upload"

Those directives must be defined in the php.ini of the SAPI used by your Nextcloud

  • /etc/php/<php-version>/fpm/php.ini
    for php-fpm
  • /etc/php/<php-version>/apache2/php.ini
    for libapache2-mod-php

Additionally you can pass your own environment variables in your pool-file (php-fpm):

env[TMP] = /tmp_php
env[TMPDIR] = /tmp_php
env[TEMP] = /tmp_php

Then there is the nextcloud config/config.php option tempdirectory, which can be set to an own directory.

  'tempdirectory' => '/tmp_nc',

All of these directories must exist (they are not automaticaly created) and must be writable by whatever user PHP is running as.

Now you can monitor all movements in those directories with tools like inotify or auditd. You can write a script that logs everything using tools like inotifywayt, fuser, lsof etc.
When you have done that, you dont need to assume things because then you know it. :wink:

However, temporary files are really only temporary. They are usually deleted, but sometimes the deletion process fails. There can be many reasons for that.
So the only thing that is really interesting is which files are not deleted. You should examine them more closely to determine exactly where they come from. Then you can get to the bottom of the cause better.
It are often files from processes that are not from Nextcloud itself, such as the creation of preview images or other tasks triggered by specific apps.

Much and good luck,