How do you link OnlyOffice to NextCloud?

@vmsman have you this in your reverse proxy ? ( add it only for https config)

  add_header X-Content-Type-Options nosniff;
  location / {
    proxy_pass http://docservice;
    proxy_http_version 1.1;

replace docservice by the ip of your onlyoffice server ( if your reverse proxy is on the machine as onlyoffice server)

Assuming that you meant add that to my advanced section of my onlyoffice proxy.
It still won’t let me curl with my reverse proxy dns name which is what I now think is missing here.

@vmsman can you send me the entire file of this reverse proxy ( use a shell) ?

@Mageunic Can you meet me on

@vmsman sorry, I was unavailable

after much analysis, I think I have found what is happening. I can “curl”" between my Nextcloud server and my Onlyoffice server as long as i use the local address. If I try the “curl” with the domain name, it hangs and times out which is what happens when I try to link the onlyoffice to nextcloud using the connector. I surmise that NginX Reverse Proxy Manager is not passing the curl like it would an https request to the end node. I am not sure why or how to fix this.

So, I found something interesting. I discovered that the lack of ability to “curl” over my nginx Proxy Manager to a DNS domain name which uses reverse proxy was the culprit.

Very interesting was the fact that both my Nextcloud and my Onlyoffice Document server were on a VLAN that I call my DMZ Cloud VLAN and its where I offer all my external services. On a whim, I moved both servers to my main LAN and the curl via the reverse proxy worked perfectly.

Then I went into the onlyoffice connector in Nextcloud and added my onlyoffice server and it worked immediately.

So, for some bizarre reason (and not router rules), the curl command that the connector relies upon did not want to work on a VLAN.

Hi @vmsman, this is “good” news but I can’t help you with this because I don’t know anything about it.

You have been awesome help. What I determined here is that there seems to be a subtle routing rule issue that I have never run into before. The good news is that I have a working solution, albiet a workaround. Out of curiousity, do you know if there is a way to connect directly to an Onlyoffice document server directly to just access the editors? The Nextcloud interface to Onlyoffice is perfect, but I can see issues where accessing an online editor to edit and save a local PC file without an Onlyoffice on that PC or via Nextcloud would be great. Basically I am wondering if there is an “Onlyoffice Web” that could act as a front end to Onlyoffice Docs.

@vmsman I’m not sure it was designed for that but you can use the “example”. all informations about it are given on the web page of your domain link to onlyoffice doc server.
I think you have to install other type server of onlyoffice if you want to use it like goolge doc without nextcloud connector.
edit : use onlyoffice workspace because onlyoffice Doc need connector tu be used
see: Installation Guides - Workspace - ONLYOFFICE