How do i whitelist an ip in mariadb?

so mariadb is blocking letsencrypt ip in bruteforce detection
as a result, all devices are put in a 30s timeout and nextcloud is very slow

is there a way to whitelist the IP?

when I clear it just block its again after a few minutes

here’s a photo from my dockers. the ip belongs to the letsencrypt containter

Did you try bruteforcesettings?

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thank you i will try it!
i didn’t notice it. i was looking in the config of mariadb

Please report back if it works and if it works, mark my post as solution…

i didn’t get to use it today but i will test it tomorrow for sure
if it works i will mark your answer as solved :smiley:

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so it works but it still logs the IP address in the brute force attempts table.
is there i way to make it clean it every day?

AFAIK only manualy p.e. with phpmyadmin or an self written script…