How do I get the Twitter feed app working?

Hello all,

I would like to use the Twitter feed on my dashboard, but I am being told during configuration that I need to “… configure SuiteCRM connected accounts admin section.”

So, if I go to 'Administration > Connected Accounts" I get the message:

"Make sure you created private and public keys for your SuiteCRM instance. Authentication won’t work if those keys are missing. SuiteCRM OAuth2 documentation "

There are also the three fields below to fill out:

  • SuiteCRM instance address
  • Application ID
  • Application secret

I am clicking the link but I don’t understand what to do.

I know how to ssh into the server but that’s it!

Any help here would be appreciated.


I’m personally not using Twitter integration app, but if it requires an installed SuiteCRM instance, you should have one installed somewhere.

Hi, thanks - I have it installed but I don’t know how to configure t.
