How Can I *use* external storage

Nextcloud version 17.0.4
Operating system and version debian stretch
Apache or nginx version (eg, Apache 2.4.25):
PHP version PHP 7.3.3-

The issue you are facing:

Is this the first time you’ve seen this error? (Y):

Steps to replicate it:
create an external local storage as admin

www-data@cloud:~/$ php occ files_external:list
| Mount ID | Mount Point | Storage | Authentication Type | Configuration              | Options                              | Applicable Users | Applicable Groups |
| 1        | /Music      | Local   | None                | datadir: "\/mnt\/music\/"  | enable_sharing: true, readonly: true | All              |                   |
| 2        | /Photos     | Local   | None                | datadir: "\/mnt\/photos\/" | enable_sharing: true, readonly: true | All              |                   |

When I try to use the directories in the Web interface as admin or user I get the same problem as in External Storage not there and

What is to do to make this storage visible ?

Thanks a lot for listening


No real idea. Are owner and rights in /mnt/music and /mnt/photos like your nextcloud in /var/www/nextcloud ?

ls -l /mnt
look at music and photos
ls -l /var/www/html
look at nextcloud

Correct is on debian based systems:

Look also at the rights (rwx) for user, group and all.

Thanks a lot. It was indeed a problem of reading rights for www-data.

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