How can I link to another document in nextcloud text

I want to link to another document in the same folder in the text app. (Actually I’m editing the markdown file on my computer but want to be able to browse through my documents through the web on the server.)

I tried

  • [Other Document](
  • [Other Document](./
  • [Other Document](../
  • [Other Document](/../

but in any case when I click on the link it takes me to https://<mydomain.tld>/apps/files/?dir=/&fileid=<some_number>. This shows the home folder in the files app.

  • Is there a “right” way to do it?
  • Next level: how could I produce such a link through the web editor?
  • Some minor annoyance: The color of the link in yellow on white, it’s barely legible.
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Hello Jammon, I have the same problem! Do you have any solutions on that?

Perhaps you can better use the app “Sharing Path”.