How can I browse to my Nextcloud Files on local network?

Hi folks,

I’m a bit new to Nextcloud. My installation is running within VirtualBox on Linux Mint, utilizing the VM from Hansson IT.

On the local machine, (Linux Mint), I’d like to access files that are stored in Nextcloud. Is there an efficient way to do this? I’m going to access large files like video, so I’m looking for an option that delivers speed.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

So first of all, you should not directly access Nextcloud’s data folder.

If you need to access files via another protocol, for example SFTP, the best thing to do is put it in another folder somewhere on your server (or even on another server if appropriate), and then set up that folder as external storage in Nextcloud. Then you can access it safely without risk of breaking something in the data folder or introducing inconsistencies in the database.

Nextcloud has the ability to mount remote folders via other protocols like SMB or SFTP and make those folders available in Nextcloud. See here for details: