Housekeeping Book Sync with Nextcloud

Hello there,

i had the idea for an Application, which syncs a Housekeeping Book (budget management) with Nextcloud. It may be synchable with Android and Desktop applications too.
Is there already such an application available?


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I was using this android app:

I liked it, because it hasn´t got any internet access and the folder can be synced :smiley:
The only disadvantage was, that I needed an android emulator to edit the book on windows PC´s.

That could be a temporary workaround, but it would be nice to have also the possibility to edit the household book in the Webinterface of Nextcloud.
Thanks for your suggestion.

Are you looking for something similiar
like this: ???

Find it today and it seems to be pretty cool. Unfortunately i havent got a Mac. I like the feature to scan receipts and import them and the programm has OCR to read it out of the document. And after the Import you see directly what money you have outputted. It´s very convenient.