Helping us use Talk and Contacts more efficiently in Nextcloud

Nextcloud Version - 19.0.0

We are going to encourage our employees to use Talk as a chat/messaging tool amongst themselves and to use Contacts within Nextcloud to find employee names. One issue/question I have is that the Contacts in the top right of the page has a lot more listed that will never be used. For example we use Nextcloud installed on our Nethserver for our domain and our Nextcloud is connected to our local domain. So we have our Nextcloud Admin and our Nethserver Admin users included in Nextcloud. I as our office system admin would rarely login use the Admin ID’s. I use my own domain ID to login to Nextcloud.

Is there a way to not show in Nextcloud these other contacts (Admin) that no one would ever send a message too?

What I would like to show in Contacts and have our users see when using Talk to send a message is to only see the employees in our office.

Thank you.

You could add all “okay” users to a group and restrict using talk to that group.
People that are not in the group should not show the talk option.

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Thank you @nickvergessen for this reply.

I’m looking to have our employees use the Contacts from the top right bar where the simply find the name and select Talk to start a conversation.

is there anyway to limit the accounts in Contacts so Admin and other non-user accounts aren’t seen?

Thank you.