Help with nextant

I have installed nextant, configured it, installed solr and nextanr has also indexed all my files fine. I can search in solr my index and it shows back hits,
But when I try to enter a word into the search in nextcloud, it seems to search just in the Filenames. What am I missing?
The search functios is like it isn#t installed, but I can see it in the admin panel.Or am I entering the search in the wrong field?
Any hint is appreciated.

There is nothing in teh logs of nextcloud or solr, which gave me a hint , what is going wrong.

Do the tests in the admin panel run through fine? Does it show something next to “Number of documents”?

Also, ./occ nextant:index will display more information on the number of document extracted in your index.

  • Check if your documents are extracted. If not, you should have a look to the File Filters in the Admin Interface.
  • View source on the files app and search if nextant is loading a javascript:
  <script src="/apps/nextant/js/navigate.js?v=549180c11b4de536d2767xced0ffda14"></script>

It shows 744 extracted documents in the admin interface!
I can searcg in solr with querys in the documents.
But nextant is ignored, when I search in the cloud

File scanning seems to work fine. See other post.
But I do not see, thet this javascript is being loaded under the page

Access rights are OK
Any idea, how to fix this?

Well, I have no idea why the JS is not loaded if everything went fine from the beginning. Please try this:

./occ nextant:index --background --unlock

And try again.

If the javascript is not loaded, I can add some complete debug for next release. Try to reinstall the app manually maybe ?

gives back:

and still no Javascript in the Files App ?

No, they are only in admin. Even after manual re-installation

please upgrade to v0.6.6 and paste the result of this command:

  ./occ nextant:check --info

(or mail:

occ nextant:check --info
array (
‘instant’ => true,
‘configured’ => ‘1’,
‘ping’ => true,
‘solr_url’ => ‘domain,com:8983/solr/’,
‘solr_core’ => ‘mycore’,
‘solr_timeout’ => ‘60’,
‘nextant_version’ => ‘0.6.6 (beta)’,
‘index_files’ => ‘1’,
‘index_files_needed’ => ‘1’,
‘index_files_max_size’ => ‘40’,
‘index_files_tree’ => ‘1’,
‘index_files_sharelink’ => ‘0’,
‘index_files_external’ => ‘0’,
‘index_files_encrypted’ => ‘0’,
‘index_files_filters_text’ => 1,
‘index_files_filters_pdf’ => 1,
‘index_files_filters_office’ => 1,
‘index_files_filters_image’ => 0,
‘index_files_filters_audio’ => 0,
‘index_files_filters_extensions’ => ‘’,
‘display_result’ => ‘2’,
‘replace_core_search’ => 0,
‘current_docs’ => 744,
‘current_segments’ => 8,
‘bookmarks_app_enabled’ => true,
‘index_bookmarks’ => ‘0’,
‘index_bookmarks_needed’ => ‘0’,
‘index_live’ => ‘0’,
‘index_live_queuekey’ => ‘158948’,
‘index_delay’ => ‘2’,
‘index_locked’ => ‘0’,
‘index_files_last’ => ‘1479293310’,
‘index_files_last_format’ => ‘Wed, 16 Nov 2016 10:48:30 +0000’,
‘index_bookmarks_last’ => ‘1479293311’,
‘index_bookmarks_last_format’ => ‘Wed, 16 Nov 2016 10:48:31 +0000’,
‘source’ => ‘check’,
Pinging : ok
Checking Solr schema fields

  • Checking dynamic-field ‘nextant_attr_*’ : ok
  • Checking field ‘nextant_path’ : ok
  • Checking field ‘text’ : ok
  • Checking field ‘nextant_owner’ : ok
  • Checking field ‘nextant_mtime’ : ok
  • Checking field ‘nextant_share’ : ok
  • Checking field ‘nextant_sharegroup’ : ok
  • Checking field ‘nextant_deleted’ : ok
  • Checking field ‘nextant_source’ : ok
  • Checking field ‘nextant_tags’ : ok
  • Checking field ‘nextant_extracted’ : ok
  • Checking field ‘nextant_ocr’ : ok
  • Checking field ‘nextant_unmounted’ : ok
  • Checking field-type ‘text_general’ : ok

Your solr contains 744 documents :

  • 744 files
  • 8 segments

in the Admin Interface, please change the option Display Result to Nextant Style

This option will be removed next major release (0.10.0), as nextant will be fully integrated to the Files App (using its extension FileList). Meaning that all options from the Files App will be available in the search result - select multiple files, download as zip, moving files around, favorites, 

OK; now it is loading at least the javascript
I find

script src="/userapps/nextant/js/navigate.js?v=

in the source of the side.

But it is sill not finding my documents, when I enter a search word

in the console (Google Chrome) log I get many lines like this, when I start entering letters:

GET 404 (Not Found) filelist.js?v=a428204b883ea3bbacdd85d8b35f879b:1715
FileList.lazyLoadPreview filelist.js?v=a428204b883ea3bbacdd85d8b35f879b:1715
renderFileResult search.js?v=a428204b883ea3bbacdd85d8b35f879b:89
(anonymous function) search.js?v=a428204b883ea3bbacdd85d8b35f879b:200
n.extend.each jquery.js:374
addResults search.js?v=a428204b883ea3bbacdd85d8b35f879b:185
showResults search.js?v=a428204b883ea3bbacdd85d8b35f879b:181
(anonymous function) search.js?v=a428204b883ea3bbacdd85d8b35f879b:138
j jquery.js:3099
k.fireWith jquery.js:3211
x jquery.js:8264
(anonymous function) jquery.js:8605
GET 404 (Not Found) filelist.js?v=a428204b883ea3bbacdd85d8b35f879b:1715

The file link mentioned here is a valid search result and is visible in the cloud

In Firefox it looks like this

Strict-Transport-Security: Die Website gab eine Kopfzeile an, die nicht erfolgreich verarbeitet werden konnte.[Weitere Informationen]search
TypeError: $
) is undefined

I really appreciate your help and I am looking forward to get your wonderfull app running, which will really enhance the experience of my users. I have no doubt!

Can you try this ?

This is a pre-release of the next (and last) beta.

I am sorry to say, that it still is not working

I get:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘index_files_nextant_only’ of undefined navigate.js?v=b62c9ef150d3c8f5dd391592b0cbcc00:103
searchRequestResult navigate.js?v=b62c9ef150d3c8f5dd391592b0cbcc00:103
j jquery.js:3099
k.fireWith jquery.js:3211
x jquery.js:8264
(anonymous function) jquery.js:8605

in chrome
in Firefox;

TypeError: self.config is undefined
[Weitere Informationen]navigate.js:103:1

I appreciate your work

Thanks to you for the report.

Another issue with your app at my side is -this might be related- is, that I do not get a filelist anymore, when I open a second nextcloud tab while the first one is still open.
Afterwards, even after logout, I see no filelist in the file app.
The only way then to get the file list back is by cleaning the browser cache, or disable the nextant app
Tested on Chrome and Firefox

Would you try this ?

It should fix your issues. Also it include the whole new listing for the results.

No Javascript errors any more, but still no search results.
I put a breakpoint in the code area in the javascript debugger, which I believe where the searching starts, but its code seems not to be called

I send you via private mail a link to my nextcloud

Ok, thanks: