Habit tracker for nextcloud

Hi everyone,

It seems fantastic app collection of NextCloud is missing a habit tracker. This app allows someone to remember and mark repetitive actions, such as: go to the gym, taking medication, reading a book, taking the next lectures in a course, or checking with parents. Funny that all habit trackers on iOS really want to know and record all your habits and data, know all your medications, and so on. :smiley: :rofl: :boom:. They want to suck your data like a :tornado:

I would like to have a habit tracker on NextCloud, which will store all my data on my private server and won’t share it with anyone. It seems such an app will be a great addition to NextCould collation.

I’ll be happy to help with the development of this app somehow.

I also thought about that! Would be useful to have. Maybe also task logger to get an overview about what one has achieved. There is a Chores app Chores - Apps - App Store - Nextcloud that seems to have been abandoned, though!